Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 10 - We have tickets and pink wristbands

We landed in NY, went through customs and then waited in baggage claim. Lauren’s bag comes of the slide early and then the people start to dwindle down and my bag still hasn’t shown up. My heart started racing that my bag didn’t make the quick turnaround in Panama and I wasn’t going to have my Oprah outfit that I had planned to wear. Finally, I swear it was the second to last bag, my bag came down the sled and we rushed off to get a cab and pick up the tickets. We planned to take the cab to Radio City Music Hall to pick up the tickets and I would stay with the bags and head off to the hotel to check us in. Lauren texted me 10 minutes later that the line to pick up tickets was literally two blocks. I think this was when Lauren started realizing just how big a deal Oprah really is. Once she texted me a picture of our tickets and our wristbands I could breath a little easier. When she got to the room we showered and then headed out to meet up with the first set of the many friends we were scheduled to have meals with. This one was in China town and we tried Soup Dumplings. Turns our Soup Dumplings is one Chinese food I actually like. After our sleepless night in the Bogota airport and our busy day in NY we just headed back to the hotel after dinner and went to bed. 

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