Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 2 - Dulce Jesus Mio

After our busy day yesterday we all met up for a delicious dinner at a local steak restaurant in Medellin. Not only did the meal start with three rounds of appetizers we got bibs to wear with our main course. Luckily Rachel reminded me that I was still wearing mine as we were leaving or else I would have spent the rest of the night rocking it at the discothèque. After dinner we ventured out to a recommended nightspot called Dulce Jesus Mio. We figured any nightclub with the word Jesus in it was worth checking out and as we pulled up to the place we were not disappointed. The building was covered in Christmas lights and there was a giant Santa Claus on the roof. Once we got in the put us at a table with Batman as our waiter. The club was almost too amazing to put into words. The waiters were dressed like cartoon/super hero/crazy people and they had clowns walking around making balloon hats while everyone danced around on the chairs and tables. We thought we weren’t going to know any of the songs that the band was playing until the Chicken Dance came on and then the Macarena followed it up. Who knew you could come all the way to Colombia and still experience the music from a bad wedding…  If we thought the club was crazy we were in for an even bigger surprise when we went to the bathroom (just check out the pictures below). 

Dinesh and Georgie rocking the bibs!!

Dulce Jesus Mio

Dulce Jesus Mio

Dulce Jesus Mio - What did we get ourselves into

Ducle Jesus Mio - The Bathroom!!

1 comment:

  1. Beth we are tracking you on the trip. It took us awhile to connect but are here. The weather looks nice and sunny and the adventures have already started. Looks liek the parents ar ethe only ones logging on so far. We love you and hope you continue to have a great time. How is the water? Can you drink it?
